Knowledge to Action
Target Audience
Grade 5-8 Teachers
This network will take participants on a learning journey from knowledge to action. The participants will be invited to collaborate on knowledge building which will lead to the development of practical action plans to be implemented in the classroom.

Knowledge to Action

Target Audience
Superintendents, Principals, Indigenous School Division Leaders, and Teachers
In response to the NEW document Mamàhtawisiwin – The Wonder We Are Born With – An Indigenous Education Policy Framework, Mamàhtawisiwin supports the holistic achievements of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit learners by assisting Manitoba educators in incorporating Indigenous pedagogy, languages, and cultures into their teaching and practices.

The Joy of Reading
Target Audience
Grade 5-8 Teachers
These sessions will invigorate and inspire teachers to reclaim joy in their reading classrooms. We will explore the conditions and structures necessary to instill the love of reading in our students, incorporate strategies to engage students with readings, encourage students to talk about books in meaningful ways, and use their understanding of themselves as readers to set goals and extend their understanding of themselves as readers. We will also explore meaningful ways to assess students’ reading abilities.

The Joy of Writing
Target Audience
Grade 5-8 Teachers
This network will examine teaching writing through a lens of joy; how can we design our teaching in such a way that promotes joy (within ourselves as teachers as well as our students) alongside reaching important literacy goals? We will look at the what, why, and how of a workshop approach to teaching writing that promotes our students being engaged, competent, and confident writers.

Teaching Reading K-3 In Diverse, Inclusive Classrooms
Target Audience
K-3 Teachers, Literacy Coaches and School Principals
What counts in teaching reading? How do we reach and teach the wide range of learners in our classrooms today? How do grow every child in their reading journey, helping them not just become more skilled readers, but also become readers who read, who find joy and purpose in reading? In this 4-part series, the focus will be on applicable, responsive, classroom practices. While we build a mental model of reading together, each session will be centred on what this theory looks like in the classroom. You will leave each session with strategies and structures to try with your learners and return to the next session to share ‘what worked’ and ‘what didn’t’ and to use your responses to build toward ‘what’s next’. Growing from rich oral language experiences, learn how to reach reading in a purposeful, responsive, strengths-based way.
Numeracy Achievement Program (NAP)
Target Audience
Grade 4-9 Teachers
The Numeracy Achievement Program has been focused on improving mathematical instruction through the use of specific student data which in turn informs teachers around how best to differentiate their teaching and personalize their own professional learning. All participants will continue to work within the parameters of the program to develop teachers’ collective understanding of what works best in the classroom for their students.
We polled our membership in the winter of 2022 as to next steps for the program. The most popular options were to:
Continue with year 2 of grades 4 and 5 with the four Cohorts (I, J, K and L) that began in the 2021-22 school year.
Add additional NEW Cohorts for grades 5/6, 7/8 and 9.

Action Learning Schools
Target Audience
Any school committed to improving student achievement and believes the capacity for change lies within their school.
Action Learning Schools are focused on the good work of improving teaching and learning. The intention of this work is to provide practical hands-on support to schools (through a critical friend) to develop the school’s capacity to effectively collect and use evidence and, in turn, take actions that improve student achievement in literacy and numeracy.
Impactful Change
Leading Learning in Schools: The Roles of Principals and Vice-Principals
Target Audience
Principals, Vice-principals and Divisional Leadership
The pandemic has added another layer of responsibility for principals making the job more challenging than ever – instructional leadership may feel like it took a back seat. This network invites you to reengage in your role as instructional leader. Participants will further understand the impact their roles have on teachers’ practice and in turn student learning. This understanding will allow principals and vice-principals to refine and adjust their work to support quality and consistent learning experiences for all students.

Impactful Change
Instructional Playbooks the Missing Piece to Impactful Coaching
Target Audience
All coaches/leads/consultants and support teachers who work with teachers in classrooms
Participants will understand the principles of playbooks and how to create and use them. This understanding will assist educators with the implementation of high impact strategies as they translate research into explicit, actionable classroom practice.

Responsive Instruction
Addressing the Post Pandemic Challenges – Early Years
Target Audience
Support/Resource Teachers, Coaches, Principals and Vice-Principals
There is no question that the pandemic has challenged and stretched us in how to help students successfully meet curricular outcomes. Student and teacher absences, alternate day instruction and reduced instructional time due to severe weather have all taken their toll.
This network will see divisional or school teams build their capacity to work with colleagues to engage in relevant, effective, evidence-based instructional practices that address the strengths and stretches of the diversity of learners in today’s classes.

Responsive Instruction
Addressing the Post Pandemic Challenges – High School
Target Audience
Support/Resource Teachers, Coaches, Principals and Vice-Principals
There is no question that the pandemic has challenged and stretched us in how to help students successfully meet curricular outcomes. Student and teacher absences, alternate day instruction and reduced instructional time due to severe weather have all taken their toll.
This network will see divisional or school teams build their capacity to work with colleagues to engage in relevant, effective, evidence-based instructional practices that address the strengths and stretches of the diversity of learners in today’s classes.
Enhancing the Safe and Caring School Culture (Trauma Informed Practice)
Target Audience
Sessions are relevant to all staff /adults within the school and/or school division. This may include principals, teachers, educational assistants, school bus drivers, custodial staff, administrative assistants, etc.
These sessions are intended to support all adults within the school community who engage with students and are looking for strategies to enhance student wellbeing and/or learning outcomes. This may include principals, teachers, educational assistants, school bus drivers, custodial staff, administrative assistants, etc.
The intent is to integrate trauma informed practices into the roles that various individuals play and into the culture of school life.