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The Numeracy Achievement Program is about using very specific student data to inform participating teachers about how to differentiate their teaching and personalize their own learning. Over the two years of research and development in Stage 1, they learned how to apply a variety of hands-on tools to the Manitoba context. As the program moved into Stage 2 and now stage 3, all participants continue to work within the parameters of the program to develop teachers’ collective understanding of what works best in the classroom for their students.
Coaches - NAP
Target Audience
Division numeracy coaches and numeracy lead teachers involved in the grade 4 and 5 implementation
Numeracy coaches/leads will further develop their knowledge, skills and impact as they work specifically with the grade 4 and 5 implementation and the differences they may encounter at these levels.
Admin - NAP
Target Audience
Principals and vice-principals of schools involved in grade 4 and 5 implementation
The success of any implementation lies with the school principal and/or vice-principal actively supporting the work of the teachers. This network will provide leaders with both the principles of NAP and concrete ways to ensure timely and quality implementation at the classroom levels.