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About Us

The Manitoba Rural Learning Consortium (mRLC) was established in 2011 to support rural school divisions in addressing the unique challenges facing rural education. mRLC works across and within school divisions with a focus on consultation, coaching and collaboration. School divisions commit to the network by purchasing a membership and engaging in network activities.

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The mRLC is a CO-OPERATIVE owned and managed by its members to meet their mutual needs.  Costs are shared between Manitoba school divisions and educational partners. 

Learning Networks

The mRLC operates LEARNING NETWORKS, to bring together rural educators to connect with others regarding relevant topics, to develop their practical skills and access resources for improving student achievement.  Topics are identified by the membership, with a current emphasis on literacy and numeracy, as well as leadership and cross-cultural awareness.  Networks are facilitated by both educators within our membership and consultants from beyond.  Each network will operate for a minimum of three days in a school year and network offerings are outlined under Services.  Many of the products of networks are offered out to the public after the action research period is completed.

Research Projects

The mRLC conducts RESEARCH PROJECTS, to explore the impact of dynamic educational practices on student learning in our rural settings.  We connect people, ideas, and sound action research principles. 

Action Learning Schools

The mRLC empowers ACTION LEARNING SCHOOLS to be responsive to their student achievement data, creating the conditions conducive to providing intentional and timely responses that produce results. 

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